1:47 AM
Talking about the film's script, Variety critic Peter Debruge writes, "The setup’s good for a few jokes — and writing duo Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio keep ’em coming at a steady pace — but it’s clear that much of this reformed villain’s talents are going untapped. This storyline also cleverly satisfies a second objective: devising an expanded role for the Minions without letting the little yellow scene-stealers completely abscond with the show."

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Bottom line: It may not be as awesome as the first and may fall below your expectations, so don't go hoping for too much from the film and you might just enjoy the film more than the critics. We still feel you should go for the minions or you could wait till next year, when they return with their own film next year called Minions!

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Despicable Me 2 feels slightly less fresh and more formulaic than its predecessor. But it's still fun.

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